Designer $hit: A Microbiome Love Story
Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is the act of taking stool from a healthy donor and implanting it into the gut of a sick individual. In Designer $hit, Director Saffron Cassaday, who has suffered from ulcerative colitis for nearly a decade, sets off on a journey to determine if this form of treatment could potentially cure her of this disease.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Clinical Endoscopy
Monash University
The Atlantic
The Bottom Line: University of California
Frontiers in Microbiology
National Library of Medicine
Young Scientists Journal
Dogs Naturally
Emerson Ecologics
Dove Press
Biomic Sciences
Spirit of Change Magazine
NY Times
New Atlas
Atlas Obscura
Nature Portfolio
Science Daily
The Scientist
Science Direct
Springer Link
Imperial Medicine Blog
Wiley Online Library
The Korean Society of Cardiology
High Intensity Health
The Family Dog